Sunday 25 May 2014

Gimme Glitter: Barry M - Aqua Glitter (Reswatched)

Hiya ma people, I think we can always appreciate a good Barry M glitter, especially when I reswatch it and it actually looks nice cause my old swatches were really bad. But yes this glitter is great and as if I didn't already need all the Barry M polishes, this is just another polish that solidifies that idea.

Aqua Glitter is a clear base filled with small turquoise and even smaller glitter. It's pretty and I really like it over a blue/green polish cause it shows off the glitter pretty well.

As if I need to express my love for Barry M again, Aqua Glitter isn't my favourite Barry M polish ever, but it's a very solid polish. In my yearly favourites, Barry M always dominates.

I put 2 coats over Essie Turquoise & Caicos and it spread over well and lots of glitter per coat, and I never really ask for more than that.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a nice day!! :)

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