Sunday 22 June 2014

Gimme Glitter: Barry M - Superdrug 50th Birthday

Hello fine folks!! Hope you're having a nice day which will be made better by glitter (maybe, that's really debatable)!! This polish came out a while ago and I knew I needed it in my life. Glitter, limited edition, Barry M, it had to be in my possession. But as you know I had exams preventing me from going down to da shops. So when I did go down to da shops, it was no longer there and I was told the offer was done and there were none left.
Now me being rational was like "Whatevs, I can live without". But I don't go down without a fight!! And yeah I asked about it again and while I was told the limited edition was gone; there are drawers underneath the stands (I did not know this) and bam the 50th Birthday polish was there. In fact 7 were there. Now from this overly dramatic retelling of this story, I think the moral is to always ask about polish, cause it could still be there :P

It's simply fabulous.  I love it. I'm glad I did not give up. Superdrug 50th Birthday (this is the name I'm going with) is a shimmery fuchsia pink base with medium and small pink, purple and white hexes (the pink glitter does not come in the small variation). I love the white glitter!! It's just mad girly which is perf for me.

I've said before that Superdrug gets the better limited editions and this is a sentiment I still very much agree with especially with this polish (however this summer I think Boots got the better limited editions, I'll show one soon and yeah I have thoughts about it ;)). This one really was special, I did not know Superdrug was 50!! I don't know it seemed younger :P Anyway it's great that Barry M has a special polish made cause it's boss.

You could probably get this opqaue by itself, but it would take more coats. So I layered this over Barry M - Fuchsia. The 2 coats I used over was very good, the glitter was plentiful and there wasn't very much pushing and moving.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a great day!! :)

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